Majors in the area of People & Society examine how people process and document the human experience and human behavior in our societies both current, past and present.
Programs of Study, Degrees, and Certificates
Pre-Professional Majors
“Pre-law” is not a major but rather a term that describes a student interested in applying for admission to a law school. There are no specific major or specific courses for pre-law students. A student’s overall GPA is important when applying for admission to a law school; therefore, a pre-law student should consider a major that he/she enjoys and can successfully complete. It is advisable to consider a major that can be used as an alternative to law school or can be used in coordination with the law degree.
As a pre-law student, you should plan a course of study that will give you a broad cultural background, develop the ability to think critically, gain an understanding of people and institutions, and know how to gather and weigh facts to solve problems and think creatively. They should be able to read rapidly with comprehension, express themselves clearly, completely, and concisely, both orally and in writing.
Suggested curriculum should include:
- English
- history
- philosophy
- mathematics and logic
- science
- economics
- government
- psychology
- accounting
- communication
Most law schools require students to have a bachelor’s degree, demonstrate academic ability as evidenced by the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) scores, and a competitive grade point average. Admission to the University of California Schools of Law, Berkeley, Davis, Hastings, and San Francisco requires a Bachelor’s degree. Admission to McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento requires completion of approximately three-fourths of a four-year program, usually 90 semester units. Students should meet with a counselor to plan a course of study.
There are two types of credentials for teaching in the public schools of California, each permitting instruction in grades K-12.
Multiple Subject Credential
One type is the Multiple Subject Credential for teachers in a self-contained classroom, in general required for most elementary school teachers (grades K-6).
For a Multiple Subject Credential, students must satisfy the following:
- Bachelor’s or higher degree
- an approved professional preparation program including successful student teaching with a minimum grade of C
- CBEST test
- teaching of reading
- Reading Instruction Competency Assessment (RICA)
- U.S. Constitution
- subject-matter competency (program or exam)
Single Subject Credential
The other is the Single Subject Credential for teachers responsible for only one subject, in general for most junior and senior high school teachers (grades 7-12).
For a Single Subject Credential students must satisfy the following:
- Bachelor’s or higher degree
- an approved professional preparation program including student teaching
- CBEST test
- teaching of reading
- U.S. Constitution
- subject-matter competence (program or exam).
The Commission-approved subject matter programs are:
- Agriculture
- Art
- Business
- English
- Health Science
- Home Economics
- Industrial and Technology Education
- Foreign Languages
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Science (Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geosciences, Physics)
- Social Science.
Subject matter programs vary at each four-year institution.
Sacramento City College strongly encourages students to meet with a counselor to obtain appropriate requirements for the four-year institution of their choice.
Students who desire to work in social welfare must first complete a baccalaureate degree and then a master’s degree in Social Work/ Welfare (MSW).
The MSW:
- is required to work in such fields as family counseling, medical and psychiatric social work, or child welfare services
- can also prepare students for licensure as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
There is no specific lower-division preparation in this field, but suggested courses include:
- social sciences
- anthropology
- psychology
- sociology
- economics
- possibly a foreign language
- and/or completing a lower-division general education pattern
Academic Counselor(s)
Danielle Gelotte
Jacqueline Vargas-Onate