Internships and Career Services
At SCC, we know work experience and a steady paycheck for rent, food and bills are essential to students being able to reach their education and career goals. Internships & Career Services are a valuable resource for students who are looking for jobs or internships while taking courses at SCC. Students are able to search for employment opportunities, meet employers, and get help with writing their resume and developing interview skills.
Career Services
SCC Career Services will help you find and prepare to apply for both on and off-campus jobs.
Work Experience and Internship Program
Gain valuable hands-on skills and even earn college credits for internships and work experience in your field.
Handshake Job and Internship Platform
Handshake is a modern, easy-to-use platform where students and alumni can find full-time and part-time internships and jobs as well as volunteer opportunities.
Paid Industry Experience (PIE) Program
The PIE Program is an initiative to increase the number of students who find quality, paid internships. Employers can hire PIE-eligible students and be reimbursed for up to 100% of the student's wage.
Sacramento Valley College Corps
Sacramento Valley College Corps engages college students in meaningful service to build leadership and civic responsibility.
Request a Letter of Recommendation
Request a letter of recommendation from one of your professors.
WorkAbility III
The WorkAbility III (WAIII) program helps students with disabilities explore career opportunities, connect to internships, and find a job.
Looking for a Job or Internship?
Check out Handshake, a free career platform connecting Los Rios students and alumni with jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities.