The SCC Mini Grant program funds innovative ideas that help to further student success at Sacramento City College.
Mini Grants may be used to buy equipment and supplies, or help support research, coursework, or other projects/activities directly related to the college’s educational mission.
Mini Grants are made possible through the support of generous donors to the SCC Fund. Many employees give to the SCC Fund, and in so doing, they provide crucial resources that help improve the services our campus can provide and make an important difference to the students we serve.
Propose a Mini Grant Project
Do you have a great idea for a project that will improve the student experience, the teaching and learning environment, contribute directly to equitable outcomes for students and/or impact student success? Propose it as part of the Mini Grant process!
March 18 to April 26, 2024
Mini Grant Applications Accepted
Week of May 6, 2024
Grant Notifications
July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Mini Grant funding period
Award Details
We will award up to $4,000 per Mini Grant. The number of grants awarded will vary, depending on the amount of funding available.
All grant funds must be expended within the funding period, which is next fiscal year (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025). Any remaining funds will be reallocated to future Mini Grants.
Funds are not to be used for ongoing program support, compensation, student clubs or legislative activities. Mini grants are not meant to supplant dollars already in a departmental budget or to fund projects that could potentially be supported through other sources/programs such as state grants, Strong Workforce, SEAP, etc. Before writing your proposal, we recommend that you check with the division dean or vice president to determine if other funding sources are available.
Purchase of equipment, supplies, etc. using Mini Grant funds must adhere to Los Rios Community College District purchasing guidelines and standard operating procedures.
All Sacramento City College faculty, staff, and management are eligible to apply for a Mini Grant. Projects may be submitted to SCC Philanthropy with approval from SCC deans or vice presidents.
How Grants Are Awarded
Funding decisions are based on the following criteria:
- Originality and Innovation
- Feasibility of the proposed activity and anticipated use of resources
- Impact on teaching and learning effectiveness/clear student benefit
- Impact on and connection to our campus’s focus on equity and equitable outcomes for all students
Application Process
All applications must be submitted below.
Hard copies will not be accepted.
You will be asked to provide the name of the approving dean or vice president, and if SCC Philanthropy would like to vet projects being proposed, deans and vice presidents will be consulted.
Applications are due by 5:00 pm on Friday, April 26, 2024.
Questions? Please contact:
Los Rios Colleges Foundation
Phone: (916) 568-3075