Surveying (Geomatics) (SURVY) Courses
SURVY 300 Elementary Surveying
- Units:4
- Hours:45 hours LEC; 81 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:MATH 373 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course provides an introduction to the principles and practices of plane surveying. Survey instrumentation and methods of measuring distances, angles, and differences in elevation will be presented. Fundamental surveying methods including traversing, survey computations, and use and care of electronic survey equipment will be covered.
SURVY 310 Survey Map Production
- Units:4
- Hours:45 hours LEC; 81 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:EDT 310 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course provides an exposure to the special procedures and requirements unique to computer-assisted survey mapping. Fundamental survey drafting methods and types of maps will be stressed. Conformance with local agency and State of California mapping requirements will be addressed. Students will work with state of the art computer hardware and software to produce industry standard survey maps.
SURVY 320 Advanced Survey
- Units:4
- Hours:45 hours LEC; 81 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:SURVY 300 with a grade of "C" or better; or equivalent.
- Advisory:MATH 373 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course focuses on real-world surveying applications such as primary control, construction layout and staking, horizontal and vertical curves, above and underground structural staking, subdivision lotting, and street improvement construction. Introduction to boundary surveying and photogrammetric surveys, California State Plane Coordinate System, and theory of geodetic and control surveys. GPS, GIS, and electronic surveys and mapping are also introduced. Students will need a hand-held electronic scientific style calculator equipped with trigonometric capabilities.
SURVY 324 Global Positioning Surveying (GPS)
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:SURVY 320 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is an introduction to the methods, techniques, tools, and applications of GPS for use in Land Surveys. It will also present factors of geodesy for surveying, enabling the student to understand and use the mathematical parameters of the earth's shape and effect on survey measurements.
SURVY 330 Special Surveying Projects
- Units:4
- Hours:45 hours LEC; 81 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course focuses on real world surveying applications, construction control, layout and staking, horizontal and vertical curves, above and underground structural staking, subdivision lotting, and street improvement construction. This course will provide an introduction to boundary surveying and photogrammetric surveys, theory of geodetic and control surveys. Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographic Information System (GIS), and electronic surveys and mapping are also included.
SURVY 340 Photogrammetry
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:SURVY 320 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course focuses on the theory and practice of Photogrammetry, including image systems and quality, theory of stereo photography, and orientation and design of stereo models. The class will also address design and operating principles of stereo plotting and photogrammetric and orthophoto mapping. This course also focuses on considerations for flight and control planning, control identification techniques, advanced field completion surveys, and property line investigations. Study of other remote sensing technologies are included. This courses was formerly known as SURVY 340: Basics of Photogrammetry.
SURVY 350 Boundary Control and Legal Principles
- Units:4
- Hours:72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course provides instruction in the concepts and legal principles associated with the historic and current practices of surveying and mapping procedures used in locating boundaries and land ownership lines. This course has been developed for those in the fields of surveying, civil engineering, title insurance, and real estate.
SURVY 352 Evidence and Procedures for Boundary Location
- Units:4
- Hours:72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:SURVY 350 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is a continuation of boundary location with emphasis on procedures rather than principles. It provides an introduction to the historical development, current concepts, and evidence and procedures used in boundary determination. Techniques of gathering and evaluating evidence used in boundary locations and methods of presenting that evidence in the form of maps and descriptions are emphasized. This course is designed for those in the fields of engineering, land surveying, land law, real estate, and title insurance.
SURVY 360 Survey Business Practices
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
The course provides an introduction to surveying business economics; contracts and specifications; organizing, staffing, hiring, training, and supervision of professional/technical personnel; surveyor-client relationships; and ethics of practice.
SURVY 495 Independent Studies in Surveying
- Units:1 - 3
- Hours:54 - 162 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
UC transfer credit will be awarded only after the course has been evaluated by the enrolling UC campus. The units completed for this course cannot be counted towards the minimum 60 units required for admissions.
SURVY 499 Experimental Offering in Surveying
- Units:0.5 - 4
- Prerequisite:None.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is the experimental courses description.