Library (LIBR) Courses
LIBR 305 Legal Information Resources
- Units:0.5
- Hours:9 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course will explore both print and electronic legal information resources. Students will gain a general understanding of the legal system in the United States and the associated legal resources. They will learn how to analyze topics, define information needs, and utilize appropriate legal resources. It is designed for people working in libraries with legal resources, students who might be doing legal research, or individuals interested in the legal field.
LIBR 307 Medical Information Resources
- Units:1
- Hours:18 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course will explore print and electronic sources of medical information. It is designed for people working in libraries with medical resources or individuals interested in the medical field.
LIBR 318 Library Research and Information Literacy
- Units:1
- Hours:18 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course provides students with the information competency skills necessary for research and information evaluation. Students will delve into the academic research process as well as gain insight into the vast world of information. The skills acquired in this course are applicable to academic research, on-the-job research, and lifelong learning.
LIBR 325 Internet Research Skills
- Same As:LIBT 325
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition)with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is an introductory survey to the content, use, and the evaluation of electronic information sources. Emphasis is placed on the effective use of the Internet as a research tool. This course covers free Internet search tools as well as subscription databases and emerging technologies. Searching strategies are covered as are techniques for selecting appropriate search tools for different research needs. Historical and social issues surrounding the Internet are also discussed. This course will also discuss the use of Internet technologies in libraries. The Internet seeking and evaluation skills learned in this class are critical for anyone who is seeking employment in a library setting. Credit may be awarded for LIBR 325 or LIBT 325, but not for both.
LIBR 495 Independent Studies in Library
- Units:1 - 3
- Hours:54 - 162 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course involves an individual student or small groups of students in study, research, or activities beyond the scope of regular offered courses, pursuant to an agreement among college, faculty, and students. Independent study in Library coursework allows students to investigate and explore areas of interest in the field.
LIBR 499 Experimental Offering in Library
- Units:0.5 - 4
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is the experimental courses description.
Library and Information Technology (LIBT) Courses
LIBT 100 Introduction to Library and Information Technology
- Units:1
- Hours:18 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed to introduce students to the Library and Information Technology Program at Sacramento City College and to the culture and expectations of the library profession as a whole. Topics will include an overview of the library profession and important skills used by library paraprofessionals such as effective communication and basic computer skills. Students will also learn to use the college's learning management system, library catalog, and databases. Students should plan on taking this course in conjunction with or before they begin LIBT 300.
LIBT 110 Job Search Skills
- Units:1
- Hours:18 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course will prepare students for a successful job search in any field. Utilizing traditional and electronic methods; students will research job opportunities in their chosen profession; identify key workplace skills; learn best practices for writing applications; resumes; and cover letters; learn relevant career networking skills; and practice interviewing techniques.
LIBT 111 Making in Libraries
- Units:1
- Hours:18 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MAKR 140
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course will introduce students to the concepts, skills, and history of Makerspaces in library settings. Students will be introduced to the principles of making and design thinking. Library makerspace policies and procedures will also be covered, as well as copyright and intellectual property issues. Students should plan on concurrently enrolling in MAKR 140 - Introduction to Making. Field trips to local makerspaces will be required.
LIBT 300 Introduction to Library Services
- Units:2
- Hours:36 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:LIBT 100 with a grade of "C" or better OR current enrollment in LIBT 100.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed for persons interested in exploring paraprofessional library employment and for students interested in understanding the use of library resources. The course covers the history and types of libraries and information providers; an overview of library services including reference and technical services; instruction and practice in the use of library classification systems; equity and diversity in library settings; current issues in libraries and library employment opportunities. Three field trips to local libraries and archives or alternative assignments will be required.
LIBT 325 Internet Research Skills
- Same As:LIBR 325
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is an introductory survey to the content, use, and the evaluation of electronic information sources. Emphasis is placed on the effective use of the Internet as a research tool. This course covers free Internet search tools as well as subscription databases and emerging technologies. Searching strategies are covered as are techniques for selecting appropriate search tools for different research needs. Historical and social issues surrounding the Internet are also discussed. This course will also discuss the use of Internet technologies in libraries. The Internet seeking and evaluation skills learned in this class are critical for anyone who is seeking employment in a library setting. Credit may be awarded for LIBR 325 or LIBT 325, but not for both.
LIBT 330 Library Technical Processes
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:LIBT 100 and LIBT 300 with a grade of "C" or better OR current enrollment in LIBT 100 and LIBT 300.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course will introduce the student to the work in a library technical services department. A primary focus will be duties and responsibilities of the library paraprofessional with regard to acquisitions processes (selection, verification, ordering, and receiving). Also included is an overview of other technical services responsibilities, such as cataloging and catalog maintenance.
LIBT 331 Library Cataloging Procedures
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:LIBT 100, 300, and 330 with grades of "C" or better
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course will introduce the student to the rules and practices of cataloging. The course includes the study of both descriptive and subject cataloging and classification systems. The course will also cover the formats required for both computerized and traditional catalog records.
LIBT 333 Library/Media Materials and Equipment
- Units:1
- Hours:18 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:LIBT 100 and LIBT 300 with a grade of "C" or better OR current enrollment in LIBT 100 and LIBT 300
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is a survey course in the understanding, use, and care of electronic media materials and equipment used in libraries. The course includes the utilization of computers and computer networks, audio, video and related technologies. A field trip to a local library or alternative assignments may be required.
LIBT 340 Running a School Library Media Center
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course on the school library media center provides a broad overview of its philosophy, history, function, and relationship to elementary and secondary schools. The course covers collections, technology, programming, marketing and public relations, budgeting, professional development, staffing, organization, advocacy, equity and diversity, and the relationship between the library program and the school curriculum. A field trip to a local school library media center or alternative assignments may be required.
LIBT 341 Library Services for Children and Youth
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course will be an exploration of the traditional and electronic resources essential to working effectively with children and adolescents. Material selection and evaluation, information literacy, and programming will be related to classic and popular literature and media, equity, diversity, multiculturalism, and other contemporary subjects. Students will experience storytelling, book talking, program preparation, and other ways of sharing literature with children and youth. A field trip to a local library or an alternative assignment may be required.
LIBT 342 Libraries in Correctional Settings
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the main skills, requirements, and knowledge expected of staff members working in correctional libraries. Topics include the history and current state of correctional libraries, collection development and management, library staffing in correctional settings, literacy improvement opportunities, and legal issues.
LIBT 343 Library Public Services
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:LIBT 100 and LIBT 300 with a grade of "C" or better OR current enrollment in LIBT 100 and LIBT 300
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course acquaints students with library access and reference services, including the different aspects of interacting with library patrons in a public environment and providing them with access to library collections. Students will learn to select and successfully utilize the appropriate resource to assist library patrons with questions and finding information. Students will also learn about circulation systems, security, collection maintenance, and resource sharing in libraries. Ethical issues in libraries such as intellectual property, privacy, equity, and diversity will also be addressed. Field trips to local libraries or alternative assignments will be required. Students will be required to be on campus for a specific number of class sessions.
LIBT 345 Library Teamwork and Supervision
- Units:2
- Hours:36 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:LIBT 100 and LIBT 300 with a grade of "C" or better OR current enrollment in LIBT 100 and LIBT 300.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 (College Composition) with a grade of "C" or better or placement through the assessment process. Basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course. Successful completion of CISC 300 or basic familiarity with computers is recommended for this course.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
In this course, students will be introduced to basic skills and competencies needed to operate a school library media center, small library, or department within a large library. The course includes working within an organization, effective communication, planning and organization, time management, marketing and public relations, customer service, budgeting, operational manuals and reports, problem behavior, disaster preparedness, and the principles of supervision. Visits to local libraries or alternative assignments may be required.
LIBT 348 Internships in Library and Information Technology
- Units:1 - 3
- Hours:54 - 162 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:LIBT 100, 300, 330, 331, and 343 with grades of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed for students to apply the skills they've learned in the Library and Information Technology Program to a workplace environment. It will provide students with a structured program designed to teach them new soft skills and employability skills that will assist them in securing a job in the future and an opportunity to explore occupational interests that will assist them in the academic major and career decision making process.
It is expected that students will have completed a portion of other LIBT courses before they enroll in the internship class.
The student must have a job, volunteer, or internship position secured to remain enrolled in the course.
Course content includes understanding the application of education to the workforce; employer expectations, responsibilities of an intern or employee in a workforce setting; completion and submission of course paperwork.
LIBT 494 Topics in Library and Information Technology
- Units:0.5 - 4
- Hours:9 - 72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed to enable library technology students to learn about recent developments in the library field. Selected topics would not include those that are part of current course offerings.
LIBT 495 Independent Studies in Library and Information Technology
- Units:1 - 3
- Hours:54 - 162 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course involves an individual student or small groups of students in study, research, or activities beyond the scope of regular offered courses, pursuant to an agreement among college, faculty, and students. Independent studies in Library and Information Technology allow students to investigate and explore areas of interest in the field.
LIBT 499 Experimental Offering in Library and Information Technology
- Units:0.5 - 4
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is the experimental courses description.