Geography (GEOG) Courses
GEOG 300 Physical Geography: Exploring Earth's Environmental Systems
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 or ESLW 340 with a grade of "C" or better; Pre-algebra or equivalent with a grade of “C-” or better. Students needing a review of mathematical concepts covered in this course should enroll in MATHS 10.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 5A (effective Fall 2025)
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 110
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is a spatial study of planet Earth's dynamic physical systems and processes. Topics include weather, climate, landforms, natural hazards, water resources, vegetation, and soils. Emphasis is placed on interrelationships among Earth systems and processes and their resulting patterns and distributions. Relevant application of these concepts to today's world is also stressed to help students better understand Earth's physical environment as well as human-environmental interaction. Optional field trips may be included.
GEOG 301 Physical Geography Laboratory
- Units:1
- Hours:54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:GEOG 300
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 or ESLW 340 with a grade of "C" or better; Pre-algebra or equivalent with a grade of “C-” or better. Students needing a review of mathematical concepts covered in this course should enroll in MATHS 10.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 5C (effective Fall 2025)
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 111
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is a laboratory study of basic principles and concepts relating to our Earth's environmental systems. Labs feature observation, collection, analysis, and display of data related to the study of energy, weather and climate, vegetation, soils, landforms, and environmental hazards. In addition, this course utilizes geographic methods such as map and image interpretation and geographic technologies such as weather instruments, global positioning systems (GPS), and computer applications. Field trips may be required.
GEOG 302 Environmental Studies & Sustainability
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 or ESLW 340 with a grade of "C" or better; Pre-algebra or equivalent with a grade of “C-” or better. Students needing a review of mathematical concepts covered in this course should enroll in MATHS 10.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 4 (effective Fall 2025)
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This introductory course offers an interdisciplinary perspective on the major environmental problems confronting society and explores solutions directed toward producing a more sustainable future. Course topics include an introduction to environmental issues, Earth system science, natural resources, global climate change, human demography, agricultural systems, and development issues. These topics will be examined with human-environment interaction as the overriding paradigm to examine potential for sustainable systems as our planet and populations progress. A field trip may be required to relate class discussions to the real world.
GEOG 305 Global Climate Change
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 or ESLW 340 with a grade of "C" or better; Pre-algebra or equivalent with a grade of “C-” or better. Students needing a review of mathematical concepts covered in this course should enroll in MATHS 10.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 5A (effective Fall 2025)
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course explores the history and mechanisms of climate change on the Earth as well as the methods that scientists use to investigate climate change. Areas of emphasis will include climate change in the recent history of Earth (the past few million years) and the connection between human industrial activity and current climatic shifts. Additionally, this course investigates the effects of climate change in the world today and discusses possible technological and political solutions to this vast and increasingly important problem. Field trips may be required.
GEOG 306 Weather and Climate
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 or ESLW 340 with a grade of "C" or better; Pre-algebra or equivalent with a grade of “C-” or better. Students needing a review of mathematical concepts covered in this course should enroll in MATHS 10.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 5A (effective Fall 2025)
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 130
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is an introduction to atmospheric processes including energy and moisture exchanges, atmospheric pressure, winds and global circulation, and severe weather conditions. In addition, global, regional, and local climates are investigated. Student work will include weather observations and analysis of atmospheric data using charts, weather maps, and radar and satellite imagery from the Internet and other sources. Field trips may be required to reinforce course content.
GEOG 308 Introduction to Oceanography
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGWR 300 or ESLW 340 with a grade of "C" or better; Pre-algebra or equivalent with a grade of “C-” or better. Students needing a review of mathematical concepts covered in this course should enroll in MATHS 10.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 5A (effective Fall 2025)
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is an integrated study of the world's oceans from chemical, biological and human perspectives. Topics include ocean and shoreline processes, plate tectonics, sea floor morphology, types and distribution of seafloor sediment, ocean sediment transport, ocean chemistry, ocean currents, marine resources, and environmental concerns. Regional oceanographic features are emphasized and a field trip may be required to reinforce course content.
GEOG 310 Human Geography: Exploring Earth's Cultural Landscapes
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGRD 310 and ENGWR 101 with grades of "C" or better.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 4 (effective Fall 2025)
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 120
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course investigates the diverse patterns of human activity on earth in relation to cultural and environmental factors. Major themes include human-environment interaction, globalization, spatial and cultural conflict, and cultural diversity. The following topical areas will be utilized to examine these dynamic concepts: population, migration, language, religion, ethnicity, political and economic systems, development issues, agriculture, urbanization, and resource issues.
GEOG 320 World Regional Geography
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ENGRD 310 and ENGWR 101 with grades of "C" or better.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 4 (effective Fall 2025)
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 125
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is a global survey of the world's major cultural regions. Basic geographic concepts and ideas are used to study and compare people, resources, landscapes, and economies across eight major geographic regions. In addition, interactions between these regions, globalization, cultural diversity, environmental issues, and development dynamics are utilized as themes to examine our ever-changing world.
GEOG 331 Exploring Maps and Geographic Technologies
- Units:3
- Hours:50 hours LEC; 12 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:CISC 300 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 150
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course introduces students to the exciting world of maps (both hard-copy and digital) and the geographic techniques and technologies that are utilized in the creation of modern cartographic documents. The examination of cartographic constructs, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Internet mapping, remote sensing, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) will shed light on this interesting and rapidly changing area of spatial inquiry.
GEOG 334 Introduction to GIS Software Applications
- Units:3
- Hours:50 hours LEC; 12 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:CISC 300 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 155
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course provides the conceptual and practical foundations for using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. It emphasizes basic GIS software functionality including map display, attribute and spatial query, address geocoding, spatial database management, spatial analysis, cartographic presentation, and spatial data management.
GEOG 353 Introduction to the Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Units:1
- Hours:16 hours LEC; 6 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:CISC 300 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course introduces the Global Positioning System (GPS). Topics include how this location systems works, hands-on operation of the technology, real-world applications, computer interfaces, GIS, and other mapping software. A field trip may be required which could include a nominal fee.
GEOG 391 Field Studies in Geography: Mountain Landscapes
- Units:1 - 4
- Hours:6 - 24 hours LEC; 36 - 144 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 160
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course involves the study of geographic principles and processes in mountain environments. The course content will vary by destination but may include topics in physical geography (e.g., plant and animal communities, climate and weather, geology and geomorphology, natural hazards, environmental impacts, etc.), human geography (e.g., cultural landscapes, economic activities, transportation issues, land use patterns, etc.), and introduction to tools and techniques used for geographic field research (e.g., map and compass use, the Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), etc.). Field excursions are required.
GEOG 392 Field Studies in Geography: Coastal Landscapes
- Units:1 - 4
- Hours:6 - 24 hours LEC; 36 - 144 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 160
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course involves the study of geographic principles and processes in coastal environments. The course content will vary by destination but may include topics in physical geography (e.g., plant and animal communities, climate and weather, geology and geomorphology, natural hazards, environmental impacts, etc.), human geography (e.g., cultural landscapes, economic activities, transportation issues, land use patterns, etc.), and introduction to tools and techniques used for geographic field research (e.g., map and compass use, the Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), etc.). Field excursions are required.
GEOG 393 Field Studies in Geography: Arid Landscapes
- Units:1 - 4
- Hours:6 - 24 hours LEC; 36 - 144 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 160
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course involves the study of geographic principles and processes in arid environments. The course content will vary by destination but may include topics in physical geography (e.g., plant and animal communities, climate and weather, geology and geomorphology, natural hazards, environmental impacts, etc.), human geography (e.g., cultural landscapes, economic activities, transportation issues, land use patterns, etc.), and introduction to tools and techniques used for geographic field research (e.g., map and compass use, the Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), etc.). Field excursions are required.
GEOG 394 Field Studies in Geography: Volcanic Landscapes
- Units:1 - 4
- Hours:6 - 24 hours LEC; 36 - 144 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- C-ID:C-ID GEOG 160
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course involves the study of geographic principles and processes in volcanic environments. The course content will vary by destination but may include topics in physical geography (e.g., plant and animal communities, climate and weather, geology and geomorphology, natural hazards, environmental impacts, etc.), human geography (e.g., cultural landscapes, economic activities, transportation issues, land use patterns, etc.), and introduction to tools and techniques used for geographic field research (e.g., map and compass use, the Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), etc.). Field excursions are required.
GEOG 495 Independent Studies in Geography
- Units:1 - 3
- Hours:54 - 162 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Enrollment Limitation:Student must obtain approval from an instructor to conduct an independent study.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is for students or small groups who wish to develop an in-depth understanding of a geographic topic that is beyond what is offered in our regular courses. Instructor approval is required to enroll in this course.
UC transfer credit will be awarded only after the course has been evaluated by the enrolling UC campus. The units completed for this course cannot be counted towards the minimum 60 units required for admissions.
GEOG 499 Experimental Offering in Geography
- Units:0.5 - 4
- Prerequisite:None.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is the experimental courses description.