For those students planning to transfer to the University of California (UC) system, including UC Davis, please follow the requirements below, based on if you were eligible for UC admission directly after high school or only now as a community college transfer.
Eligible for UC Admission After High School
Students who were eligible for admission to the university when they graduated from high school (meaning they satisfied the Subject, Scholarship, and Examination Requirements) are eligible to transfer if they have a C average (2.0 GPA) in transferable coursework.
Community College Transfer
Students who meet the scholarship requirement, but not the subject requirement, must take transferable college courses in the missing subjects earning a C or better in each required course, and have an overall C average (2.0 GPA) in all transferable coursework to be eligible to transfer.
Students who meet the scholarship requirement, but not the examination requirement must complete a minimum of 12 semester units of transferable work and earn an overall C average (2.0 GPA) in all transferable college coursework completed.
Students who did not meet the scholarship requirement must:
- Complete 60 semester units of UC transferable college credit with a grade point average of at least 2.4 for California residents, 2.8 for non-residents
- Complete the following course pattern, earning a grade of C or better in each course:
- Two transferable college courses (3 semester units each) in English composition
- One transferable college course (3 semester units) in mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning
- Four transferable college courses (3 semester units each) chosen from at least two of the following subject areas: the arts and humanities, the social and behavioral sciences, or the physical and biological sciences
Note: Students who satisfy the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum prior to transferring to UC will satisfy Option B above.
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)
Specific campuses and majors may require more than the minimums. See a counselor regarding the campus of your choice. By completing the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern, you will partially fulfill the 60-unit requirement for transfer to UC and complete the lower-division general education breadth requirements. You should request your IGETC certification from the community college you last attended when the final transcript is sent to the UC campus.
The IGETC is best if you have not yet chosen a major or a campus. Once you have selected a major, it is important to begin fulfilling any required preparatory classes for that major. This is especially true in the professional or "high unit" majors. If you are preparing for an engineering or a high-unit science major at a UC campus, it is not advisable to use the IGETC. Instead, you should concentrate on fulfilling the 60-unit admission requirement by completing lower-division major preparation courses as well as the basic admission requirements listed above.
Helpful Hints
- Make regular contact with a counselor to monitor your transfer progress.
- Many courses other than the ones listed in the IGETC will transfer to UC. The units from those other courses will count toward the 60 units required to transfer as a junior. Check the catalog for the transfer status of any course.
- Although transfers do not require an associate’s degree, it is easy to complete one while preparing to transfer.
- Check with the counseling staff for other courses needed for your major. In many cases, it will be to your advantage to complete all pre-major requirements as well as general education requirements before you transfer.