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The Math Lab offers free tutoring services in mathematics and statistics for students enrolled in on-campus or online SCC courses.


Students can meet with a tutor to:

  • receive help understanding and completing their assignment
  • prepare for an exam (i.e. review topics, flash card quizzing)
  • review and receive feedback on previous assignments
  • learn new study skills
  • work on anything else related to class


We offer both drop-in sessions and scheduled appointments for in-person tutoring. For online tutoring, please schedule an appointment through Penji.

Make an Appointment

  1. Open the Penji webpage or the Penji app.
  2. Make sure you are in the “SCC West Sacramento Center” community.
  3. Choose your preferred tutoring service, relevant course, desired location (in-person or online), and appointment time slot.
  4. You’ll receive an email notification and a personalized Zoom link after scheduling your appointment.

More About Penji

The Math Lab uses Penji to schedule appointments and organize tutoring. Penji is available as an app or on the web. Sign up using your email address, and you will be prompted to sign in using your student ID and password. Penji calls the different tutoring options at SCC “communities”. The name of our community is SCC|West Sacramento Center.

Sign in to Penji on the Web

Download Penji for Apple iOS

Download Penji for Android on Google Play

Meet the Staff

Nima Rejaee

Math Tutor

  • Phone:(916) 375-5549

Hi everyone! I’m Nima, a returning student here at SCC in my first year, majoring in Computer Science with the goal of transferring to UC Berkeley. I’m currently taking Math 372, and I’m super excited to be working as a math tutor at SCC West Sacramento Center. I absolutely love math and am passionate about helping students discover its beauty and build their confidence. I can't wait to work with you all and make math an enjoyable experience together!

Apply to Work in the Math Lab

Did you do well in math or statistics? Would you like to help students understand class content? If so, apply to be a math and statistics Student Tutor, Advanced Tutor, or Instructional Assistant!

Email the West Sac Math Lab at for more information.


Phone: (916) 375-5549

Spring Hours

  • Monday:
    9:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Tuesday:
  • Wednesday:
    9:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Thursday:
  • Friday:
    9:00 am to 4:00 pm


West Sacramento Center
WSAC 320, 3rd floor

1115 West Capitol Avenue
West Sacramento, CA 95691