Research Instruction
The Library offers online, in-person, and for-credit options to build your research skills using the Library resources available to you.
PILOT Research Tutorials in Canvas
PILOT, our Canvas-based Path to Information Literacy Online Tutorials, will help you gain insight into the research process, develop effective research strategies, and become familiar with the Library’s primary research tool, OneSearch.
A Librarian in Your Course
Faculty librarians are ready to support you with your academic research-related projects. Your professor can make a request for a librarian to visit your class for a library instruction session, support you and your classmates in your Canvas course, create a research guide for your class, or any combination of these. Faculty can make a request by visiting the Library's Faculty Services page.
Library Research Classes for Credit
LIBR 307 Medical Information Resources (1 unit)
This course will explore print and electronic sources of medical information. It is designed for people working in libraries with medical resources or individuals interested in the medical field.
LIBR 318 Library Research and Information Literacy (1 unit)
This course provides students with the information competency skills necessary for research and information evaluation. Students will delve into the academic research process as well as gain insight into the vast world of information. The skills acquired in this course are applicable to academic research, on-the-job research, and lifelong learning.
LIBR 325 Internet Research Skills (3 units)
This course is an introductory survey to the content, use, and the evaluation of electronic information sources. Emphasis is placed on the effective use of the Internet as a research tool. This course covers free Internet search tools as well as subscription databases and emerging technologies. Searching strategies are covered as are techniques for selecting appropriate search tools for different research needs. Historical and social issues surrounding the Internet are also discussed. This course will also discuss the use of Internet technologies in libraries. The Internet seeking and evaluation skills learned in this class are critical for anyone who is seeking employment in a library setting. Credit may be awarded for LIBR 325 or LIBT 325, but not for both.
- General Info: (916) 558-2461
- Circulation Desk: (916) 558-2301
- Send the Library a message
Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am to 8:00 pm
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Learning Resource Center, 2nd and 3rd Floors
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822
African American Inventors
African American inventors have improved our lives in many ways. This collection of books and videos celebrates a few of these innovators.