User Policy
1. About this Policy
The function of this policy is to make the resources of the library accessible while still maintaining the control necessary to ensure that these resources are available to all library patrons.
Areas covered by this policy include:
- the 2nd and 3rd floor of the LRC
- Library services provided at the Davis and West Sacramento Centers.
2. Patron Groups
- 2.1 Employees (faculty, staff, managers): borrowing privileges extend from the date hired until employment is terminated.
- 2.2 Emeriti Association (EA) members: borrowing privileges are available to EA members in good standing upon presentation of official EA identification.
- 2.3 Students: Borrowing privileges are in effect for the duration of the registration period.
- 2.3.1 Students must be currently enrolled in at least one class.
- 2.3.2 Students must present their photo identification. Photo IDs accepted by the library include a driver's license, a California ID, a passport, other official government ID, a high school identification card, and an LRCCD Student Access Card.
- 2.3.3 Borrowing privileges may be extended for currently registered students to borrow up to two books and two videos during Winter and Summer recesses.
- 2.4 Community: Members of the community may purchase a non-transferable Special Borrowers Card for $30 per year that allows them to borrow from the Sacramento City College circulating book collection (for limits, see 3.2 below). This card does not include other access privileges such as remote database access, intercampus borrowing, and interlibrary loan.
- 2.4.1 SCC alumni may purchase a Special Borrowers Card at a discounted rate of $15 per year. Alumni must bring an unofficial transcript showing certificate, AA, or AS degree status, along with current photo identification.
- 2.5 The library reserves the right to suspend a patron’s borrowing privileges. Causes for this action may include, but are not limited to: overdue books, unpaid fines, unpaid lost item(s), failure to return reserve books on time, and inappropriate behavior, as described in sections 5 and 9 below.
3. Circulation Services
- 3.1 Patrons as defined in Section 2 above may, subject to exceptions noted below, check out items held by Sacramento City College, request circulating books from other Los Rios colleges, place holds on circulating items currently checked out, and renew items they have checked out.
- 3.2 Books, DVDs, and technology/equipment
- 3.2.1 Reference: The reference collection is for library use only.
- 3.2.2 Reserve: The reserve collection consists of textbooks and other course-related materials. Some of the materials are for library use only and may not leave the building.
- 3.2.3 Circulating books: The general circulating collection, most of which is held in open stacks on the third floor, circulate for three (3) weeks unless otherwise designated.
- 3.2.4 DVDs: Circulating DVDs are loaned for three (3) weeks. Reserve DVDs have shorter loan periods.
- 3.2.5 Renewals and Returns
- Renewals: Items that may be renewed are renewed automatically before they fall due. Automatic renewal will fail if: the book has been requested by another patron; the patron has a block on their account; the patron’s library account has expired; or the item has reached its maximum number of loaned days. Patrons may choose to renew items online using their library account instead of waiting for automatic renewal. Most reserves may not be renewed.
- 23..5.2 Returns: Items may be returned in the book drops at the second-floor circulation desk or in any of the book returns located in the front, rear, or east side of the LRC. When the library is open, reserve materials must be returned at the second-floor circulation desk. Reserve items will not be immediately re-loaned to the same patron.
- 3.2.6 Blocks and fees: Patrons will be blocked from new loans and renewals if items they have borrowed fall overdue. If an item is not returned within a specified period, the item will be declared lost and a replacement fee will be assessed to the patron. See Lost items, Circulation Blocks, and Replacement Fees below for further explanation.
- 3.2.7 Fines appeal process: The Library regulates fees according to defined standards. Borrowers may appeal fees they feel have been inappropriately applied or if there are mitigating circumstances. For further information, see the Lost Items, Circulation Blocks, and Replacement Fees section and the Library Fee Appeal Process section below.
- 3.2.8 Loan limits: Students and employees are limited to the following maximum number of loaned items at the same time:
Patron type | Item format | Loan rule | Maximum simultaneous loans |
Students and Employees | Books & DVDs | 2-hour (overnight allowed) | 1 |
2-hour (library use only) | 1 | ||
1-day | 2 | ||
3-day | 2 | ||
1-semester | 2 | ||
Renewable reserves | 2 | ||
Circulating (3-week) | 12 | ||
>Equipment | 1-day | 2 | |
4-hour | 1 | ||
Full semester | 1 | ||
Special Borrowers, Emeriti Association members, Alumni Association members |
Books & DVDs | Circulating (3-week) | 3 |
Reserves and equipment / technology | 0 |
- Patrons may not check out multiple copies of the same title.
- 3.3 Print periodicals: Periodicals are for use in the library only.
- 3.4 Intercampus borrowing, patron requests and interlibrary loan:
- 3.4.1 Intercampus borrowing: Students and employees may request that circulating items from another Los Rios library be sent to SCC or one of its outreach centers. Requests are made online using the Request button in OneSearch. Patrons are notified via email when the item arrives and holds the item for four (4) open days. Reserve items may only be checked out at the library where they are held.
- 3.4.2 Requests: Students and employees may place a request on any currently checked-out requestable item. Patrons receive an email from the library when the item becomes available, and must pick up the item within four (4) open days. Open requests are canceled at the end of each semester. Special borrowers, Emeriti Association members, and Alumni Association members may not request items from other colleges.
- 3.4.3 Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that borrows books and acquires journal articles that the Sacramento City College Library and other colleges in the Los Rios District do not own.
- The library will not borrow on ILL: materials owned by Los Rios Libraries, textbooks for current classes, whole issues or volumes of journals, software and CD-ROMs, rare and fragile books, and reference books.
- Materials requested through ILL cannot be put on reserve.
- Materials requested should be for academic use. Items of personal, non-academic interest should be requested via public libraries.
- No more than three requests by a given patron may be requested in the same week.
- A librarian may contact the patron to clarify the request before processing it.
- ILL items must be returned to the location where they were checked out.
- Periodical articles are normally sent via scanning and will be forwarded to a student, faculty or staff email. Library staff will notify patrons via email when their materials arrive. To check on the status of a request, please contact the Circulation Desk.
- Requests are placed with libraries throughout the country, so it can take a week or more to complete a loan. Patrons will be notified if the loan cannot be filled.
- Loaned materials will be held for one week after the first notification, then returned to the lending library.
- ILL is generally free for SCC faculty, staff, and currently registered students. If the loan will require the patron to pay a fee, the patron will be notified in advance.
- To renew an item, patrons must contact the Circulation Desk at least one week before the original due date. Renewals are granted by the lending library, which may decline the request.
- All ILL materials are subject to recall by the lending library. Patrons must return materials immediately when a recall notice is received from Circulation.
- ILL items are subject to normal SCC Library late fees. In addition, the patron must pay for any charges that the lending library imposes if an item is lost, damaged, or late.
- 3.5 Special Collections: This room contains archival material preserving the history of Sacramento City College. Use of these materials is subject to a separate Special Collections policy. Patrons must make an appointment to use Special Collections.
4. Computer Services
- 4.1 Internet access is intended to provide information resources that support student success.
- 4.1.1 To maintain an atmosphere that supports learning, academic freedom and asset management, Library users are responsible for using electronic resources in an effective, ethical and lawful manner.
- 4.1.2 The Library does not censor access to materials nor protect patrons from information they may find offensive or inaccurate.
- 4.2 Library Computers (second floor of the LRC, public area)
- 4.2.1 Library computers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to current Los Rios students, faculty, and staff. Priority is given to those engaged in academic activities.
- 4.2.2 Community users may request a guest pass at the library Research Help Desk during non-peak times when their use will not come at the expense of Los Rios students. Librarians at the Research Help Desk will inform interested community users of the current process for obtaining a guest pass. Community users may be asked to log off after one hour or when student access is needed.
- 4.2.3 Recreational use of Library computers is discouraged. Patrons playing games, watching videos for pleasure or otherwise using recreational websites or applications may be asked to leave their computers.
- 4.2.4 Several computers on the second and third floor are provided for students to search the library’s physical collection via OneSearch. These computers do not provide broad Internet access.
- 4.3 Computers for Persons with Disabilities. Dedicated computer stations for the exclusive use of people with disabilities are provided on the second floor of the library. Priority at these stations is given to users with disabilities in this order (Los Rios students have priority over community members in all situations):
- 4.3.1 Those who require the adaptive software or hardware for academic purposes;
- 4.3.2 Those who require the adaptive software or hardware for non-academic activities;
- 4.3.3 Those who do not require the adaptive software or hardware.
5. Acceptable & Unethical Use of Computer Resources
- 5.1 Acceptable and ethical use includes but is not limited to:
Academic research using library databases or Internet resources.
Course-related e-mail.
Use of web-based course materials such as Canvas or other educational resources.
Use of specialized software loaded by SCC staff. - 5.2 Unethical and Inappropriate Use includes but is not limited to:
- 5.2.1 Partial list of violations from the Los Rios Statement of Rights and Responsibilities
- Sharing user accounts (such as passwords), whether by using someone else’s account or allowing others to use yours (Sec. 1.2);
- Transmitting unsolicited information which contains obscene, indecent, lewd or lascivious material or other material which explicitly or implicitly refers to sexual conduct (Sec. 1.8.1);
- Transmitting unsolicited information which contains profane language or panders to bigotry, sexism, or other forms of discrimination (Sec. 1.8.2);
- Violating any laws or participating in the commission or furtherance of any crime or other unlawful or improper purpose (Sec. 1.8.9);
- Using computer facilities for work done on behalf of a commercial firm (Sec. 1.8.12);
- Unplugging or reconfiguring computer equipment to make it unusable or difficult to use (Sec. 1.8.15);
- Displaying sexually explicit or sexually harassing images or text in a public computer facility or location that can potentially be in view of other individuals (Sec. 1.8.18).
- 5.2.2 Partial list of violations from SCC Student Standard of Conduct
- Obstruction or disruption of the learning process of the college, including teaching, administration, and college activities;
- Physical or threatening abuse of any person on college-owned or controlled property, or at any college-sponsored or supervised activity;
- Disorderly, lewd, obscene, or indecent conduct or expression on college-owned or controlled property or at college-sponsored or supervised activities;
- Willful disturbance at any college meeting;
- Gambling;
- All library property and material must be checked out before being taken from the Library. Library fines must be paid in full before grades or transcripts are released. A hold will be placed on your record until all library obligations are addressed;
- Any person on college-owned property or at college-sponsored or supervised activities who engages in disruptive behavior is subject to disciplinary and legal actions by the President of the college or his or her designee(s).
- 5.2.1 Partial list of violations from the Los Rios Statement of Rights and Responsibilities
- 5.3 Enforcement of Computer Policy:
- 5.3.1 Unacceptable or unethical use of computers or networks will be met with a warning and reminder of the policy. If unacceptable use continues, the user will lose computer privileges for the day and their name may be sent to the Student Disciplinary Office.
- 5.3.2 Staff has the right to remove a patron from the Library and call Campus Police if the patron exhibits disruptive behavior as outlined in this policy, the Student Standard of Conduct, or Los Rios District policies and regulations.
- 5.3.3 Library staff reserves the right to terminate a computer session at any time.
6. Supervision of Children and Unattended Children
- 6.1 The use of Library computers is limited to a) currently enrolled Los Rios students or b) community users over the age of 16. The LRC provides unfiltered Internet access and some Internet materials are inappropriate for children.
- 6.2 Children under the age of 13 must be directly supervised by a parent or adult guardian while in the Library. Children behaving in a disruptive or distracting manner may be asked to leave. There is no area in the Library designed for children’s use and unattended children are vulnerable. Library staff cannot assume responsibility for the safety of children who are in the building without adult supervision. Library staff may contact Campus Police if a child appears to be left unattended in any area of the Library.
- 6.3 Children aged 13 to 17 who are not SCC students are considered community users and must abide by rules stated in this policy.
7. Noise
- 7.1 The third floor of the LRC is for silent, individual study. No talking is permitted.
- 7.2 Patrons must silence phones and electronic devices when they move beyond the first floor lobby (tiled area) so as not to disturb others. Patrons talking on phones or over the Internet (VOIP) may be asked to move to the first-floor lobby.
- 7.3 Amplified sound (e.g. listening to music or other audio using computer speakers or speakerphone) is not permitted. Patrons wishing to listen to audio must use headphones.
- 7.4 Patrons should not speak loudly, sing, play musical instruments, or otherwise emit sounds at a volume likely to disrupt the learning environment.
8. Food and Drink
- 8.1 On the second and third floor of the LRC, food and drink are allowed, with the following restrictions:
- 8.1.1 No food is allowed at any Library computers.
- 8.1.2 Food should not disrupt the learning environment; hot food that can be smelled by others is not allowed.
- 8.2 Patrons asked by a staff member to remove food or drink that is in an inappropriate container or location, or that falls outside of the guideline in 8.1.2, must do so promptly. Failure to comply with a request by the faculty or staff is a violation of this policy.
9. Inappropriate Behavior
- 9.1 Inappropriate behavior in the Library may result in disciplinary measures.
- 9.2 Examples of inappropriate behavior include but are not limited to:
- Smoking or using tobacco products, including electronic smoking devices;
- Use or possession of alcohol or controlled substances;
- Using abusive, loud, or obscene language in the Library;
- Obstruction or disruption that hinders use of the Library;
- Throwing books or other objects;
- Harassing, bullying or threatening Library users or staff;
- Assault (verbal, physical, sexual);
- Removing or attempting to remove Library materials or property without checking them out or without authorization;
- Mutilating Library materials by marking, underlining, removing pages, removing binding, removing electronic anti-theft devices, or in any way injuring or defacing materials;
- Removing items from service desks without permission;
- Improperly using equipment in the Library, for example, computers, copiers, etc.;
- Concealing Library materials in the Library for exclusive use of an individual or group;
- Vandalism of Library property;
- Theft of another person’s property;
- Voyeurism or exhibitionism;
- Bathing in restrooms;
- Sexual behavior;
- Engaging in any illegal activities;
- Using radios, audio players, or other personal listening equipment at a level that can be heard by others.
- Attending to personal hygiene in public areas (e.g. trimming or painting nails, etc.)
- 9.3 Patrons who do not comply with Library policy or fail to cooperate with Library staff may be asked to leave the premises. The staff may summon Campus Police if a patron exhibits disruptive behavior as outlined in this policy, the Student Standard of Conduct, or the Los Rios District policies and regulations.
- 9.4 Patrons can submit a Comments and Concerns form, available in the Learning Resources Division Office, to address issues of concern in the Library. The Dean reviews the form and contact the patron.
10. Lost items, Circulation Blocks, and Replacement Fees
Circulation Blocks
Patrons receive notifications about items that are coming due, and more notifications if they become overdue. The library will apply a circulation block to the accounts of patrons with overdue items. This block prevents the patron from checking out more items and renewing currently loaned items.
Blocks are removed when patrons resolve their outstanding issues, either by returning items or by paying replacement fees. Patrons who have established a payment plan will also have their blocks removed.
Lost items
After a specified period, an overdue item passes into Lost status and a replacement fee is assessed to the patron’s library account. This change happens more quickly for reserve items than for circulating items.
Damaged items
A replacement fee will be assessed if, in the judgment of library staff, an item is so damaged that it has to be replaced.
Replacement fees
Whenever possible, the replacement fee will be the current cost to replace the item. If the current cost is not known, the fee will be the amount for which the item was purchased. If the amount paid is not known, the following fees will be applied per lost item:
Circulating books and media | $40 |
Reserve books and media | $50 |
Equipment / technology | $50 |
Fees may be paid in cash, check, or money order at the Circulation Desk. Credit card payments may be made at the Business Services Office. Patrons should check with the Library staff on the current payment processes, including the possibility of online payment.
Patrons who return an item that has not been removed from the library catalog will have their fee expunged. Patrons who previously paid a replacement fee, and then return the item, providing that the item has not been withdrawn from the library catalog, will receive a refund of the amount paid.
11. Fines Appeal Process
Request a Fines Appeal Form from the Circulation Desk, fill it out with the details of your appeal, and attach supporting documents. The Appeals Committee will review your appeal and send a letter with their decision. If your appeal is denied, your academic and library record will be blocked until you pay your fines. The Appeals Committee Decision is final.
You will need:
- Clear and valid evidence that the material was returned on time; or
- Clear and valid evidence that you were unable to renew or return items because of circumstances beyond your control.
Fines and fees will NOT be waived for the following reasons (Note: this is not an inclusive list):
- Ignorance of due dates.
- Late or non-receipt of the courtesy overdue notices.
- Failure to notify the library of an address change.
- Failure to notify the library of a lost or stolen card.
- You lent the material to someone else and she/he returned it late or failed to return it.
- You returned reserve items in the outside drop boxes.
- You returned the material via the US Mail and it was received late or failed to arrive.
- You did not use the item(s) or did not find the item(s) useful.
- Unsupported claims that verbal or online renewals were made but not recorded.
Illness, Bereavement and Similar Circumstances
Each library cardholder is responsible for returning or renewing all books borrowed on their card by their due dates. When items have not been returned on time due to illness, bereavement, or similar circumstances, the library may reduce the fine amount.
If you are submitting an appeal based on such circumstances, you must provide supporting documentation. The dates on supporting documentation must correspond to the late period for the items in question.
Revisions approved by LRC Access Services Committee, May 7, 2018.
Corrections made to align with new district-wide circulation policies, May 2023.
- General Info: (916) 558-2461
- Circulation Desk: (916) 558-2301
- Send the Library a message
Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am to 8:00 pm
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Learning Resource Center, 2nd and 3rd Floors
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822
African American Inventors
African American inventors have improved our lives in many ways. This collection of books and videos celebrates a few of these innovators.