If at all possible, the Got Your Six teams are selected based on either:
- A match in majors
- A match in career interests
In addition, women are usually matched with one another when possible in an effort to create a strong women’s veterans community within the larger Veterans Resource Center (VRC) population.
The program coordinator will contact you with information on your match. This information will include the email address and phone number for the individual you have been paired with as well as the date scheduled for the Got Your Six Meet & Greet session. It is recommended, that if possible, mentors reach out to their mentees prior to the Meet & Greet to perhaps schedule their first in-person meeting or a phone call. Attending the Meet & Greet session is required for all matches. At this session each pair will complete their Agreement Forms.
We suggest that each pair try to spend time getting to learn about one another’s academic goals, career interests, or work activities.
Sample Questions
These sample questions can be posed to either a mentor or mentee:
- What are your expectations for being in the mentoring program?
- What would you like to gain from the program?
- What are your interests and hobbies?
- What type of career are you interested in?
Program Coordinator Role
- Provides support to mentors and mentees
- Provides training for mentors
- Initial Mentor training
- Mid-semester check-in
- Links mentor/mentee to campus resources
- Organizes at least two Got Your Six social events per semester
- Meet & Greet event
- End-of-the-Semester event
- Initiates and tracks mentor updates using the Got Your Six weekly SITREPs, email lists, and in-person communications
- Facilitates opportunities for team-building for all Got Your Six members
- Provides intervention should mentee or mentor be struggling
- Oversees the assigned responsibilities of the mentors
Sample Mentor-Mentee Agreement
We are voluntarily entering into a mentoring team from which we both expect to benefit. We want this to be a worthwhile and rewarding experience with most of our time spent learning about campus resources and becoming more connected to the Veteran Resource Center. To this end, we have mutually agreed on the terms and conditions of our team expectations as outlined below.
We hope to focus on the following topics/issues relating to challenges new veteran students may encounter at SCC. (List at least 3 and you can certainly list more than 5)
To accomplish the above objectives, we plan on doing the following, e.g. visit specific student support services, talk to specific staff/faculty, etc. (list at least 3 and you can certainly list more than 5)
Any sensitive issues that we discuss will be held in confidence. Issues that are off-limits include:
Frequency of meetings
We will attempt to meet at least ________(fill in the amount) times each month. If we cannot attend a scheduled meeting, we agree to be responsible to notify one another.
We agree that our team will continue until the end of __________________ semester.
No-Fault Termination
We are committed to open communication between one another. We agree to work with the VRC coordinator should any conflicts arise. If, however, one of us is unable to fulfill the agreed upon duration, we agree to abide by the decision of our team member.
Peer Mentor signature Date
Mentee signature Date
Peer Mentor name (print)
Mentee name (print)
Veterans Resource Center Contact
Jake Kattan
Veteran Resource Center Representative
Got Your Six Coordinator
Performing Arts Center PAC 101
Email: HughinJ@scc.losrios.edu
Phone: (916) 650-2951
Veterans Affairs Office Contact
Blanche Levy
VA certifying official
Admissions & Records
Student Services Building
Email: LevyB@scc.losrios.edu
Phone: (916) 558-2591
Veterans Resource Center Counselors
Anh Nguyen
Email: NguyenA2@scc.losrios.edu
Phone: (916) 558-2071