Sacramento City College extends the opportunity of attending higher education to those from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. We not only strive to increase access to college but to commit resources to retaining underrepresented students. Our staff is committed to working with each student so that they can reach their educational, career, and life goals.
Apply to EOPS
Applications for the Spring 2025 semester is now closed. Please check back in April 2025 for the Fall 2025 semester application deadline.
Request to be Added to our Interest List
Email: SCC-EO@scc.losrios.edu
Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS) help educationally and economically disadvantaged students achieve their higher education goals.
Cooperative Agencies Resource for Education (CARE) is a special program for EOPS students who are single parents, head of household, and receiving public assistance from CalWORKS or TANF.
NextUP assists students under age 26 who identify as current or previous foster care recipients. NextUP is also known as Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support (CAFYES).
Email: SCC-EO@scc.losrios.edu
Phone: (916) 558-2403
Rodda Hall North, RHN 155
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822