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Local AA/AS General Education Requirements

2025-2026 Local AA/AS Degree General Education Requirements

L1: English Communication, Oral Communication, and Critical Thinking

Choose two courses for a minimum of six semester units (eight quarter units). Complete one course (three semester or four quarter units minimum) in each area.
Area Courses
L1A: English Composition
L1B: Oral Communication and Critical Thinking
  • * Courses appearing in more than one category may be used to satisfy only one category.

L2: Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning

Choose one course for a minimum of three semester units (four quarter units).
Area Courses
L2: Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning
  • * Courses appearing in more than one category may be used to satisfy only one category.

L3: Arts and Humanities

Choose one course for a minimum of three semester units (four quarter units).
Area Courses
L3: Arts and Humanities
  • * Courses appearing in more than one category may be used to satisfy only one category.

L4: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Choose one course for a minimum of three semester units (four quarter units).
Area Courses
L4: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • * Courses appearing in more than one category may be used to satisfy only one category.

L5: Natural Sciences

Choose one course for a minimum of three semester units (four quarter units).
Area Courses
L5: Natural Sciences
  • * Courses appearing in more than one category may be used to satisfy only one category.

L6: Ethnic Studies

Choose one course for a minimum of three semester units (four quarter units).
Area Courses
L6: Ethnic Studies ETHNS 300*, ETHNS 320*, ETHNS 330*, ETHNS 350*, ETHNS 360*
  • * Courses appearing in more than one category may be used to satisfy only one category.

L7: Living Skills

Choose one course from Area L7A and a minimum of two units from Area L7B, for a minimum of three semester units (four quarter units) total. This area can also be fulfilled by Military Service Credit (honorable or under honorable conditions) with basic training completed. Submit a copy of the DD214 to Admissions and Records as verification.
Area Courses
L7A: Physical Education
L7B: Life Development Skills
  • * Courses appearing in more than one category may be used to satisfy only one category.