Vocal and Choral Music
The Vocal & Choral studies at Sacramento City College (SCC) has a rich history in education and performance that started in 1968.
Student-driven learning forms the heart of our collaborative approach to vocal education. Under the direction of Professor Daniel Paulson the vocal and choral music program creates a transformative learning experience, which includes a strong foundation in healthy vocal technique, applied performance training, and the concrete opportunity to develop musicianship skills through the performance of creative and challenging choral repertoire.
A key feature of the vocal program is our mentorship program, which provides beginning and intermediate voice students the rare opportunity to receive regular one-on-one coaching from advanced student mentors while providing an exceptional opportunity to begin training in vocal pedagogy at the community college level. The foundational philosophy of the program posits that everyone benefits when given the opportunity to both learn and serve.
Students at every level of vocal experience are welcome and the program is designed to facilitate the growth of majors and non-majors alike. Vocal & Choral Music Students at SCC will participate in weekly vocal instruction and repertoire courses, study outside of the classroom with vocal coaches and accompanists, and perform in one of the two choral performance ensembles as well as in our public vocal recitals.
Students who complete the program will have received training at the highest standard in practice and performance and will have the necessary skills to transfer to a four-year institution in Vocal or Choral Music.
Gifts to the Vocal and Choral Program directly support our students and make it possible for them to participate in conferences and special training opportunities that further their knowledge, skill, and practice.
Vocal and Choral Core Curriculum
- Voice Instruction
- Choral Performance Ensembles
- Technique & Musicianship
- Vocal Coachings
Vocal and Choral Courses
MUIVI 315 Beginning Voice Class (1-2 Units)
This course is a study of the fundamentals of voice production and vocal function. Students learn about key vocal concepts that help them sing with coordination and efficiency. Students get the chance to work in groups and individual vocal coachings both in a safe and supportive environment. Upon completion of this course, the student will have a basic knowledge of how the voice works, will learn how to improve their vocal abilities and will be able to perform three solos in class.
MUIVI 325 Intermediate Voice Class (2 Units)
This course is designed for the intermediate voice students and offers a more focused study of voice production, vocal function, and work on different styles of vocal repertoire. Students learn about diction for singers, how to perform in multiple genre’s and musical styles and how to sing expressively. Students get the chance to work in groups and individual vocal coachings both in a safe and supportive environment. All students will perform as soloists in class and in vocal recitals open to the public.
MUIVI 330 Advanced Voice Class (2 Units)
This course is designed for the advanced voice student and offers a more comprehensive study of voice production, vocal function, and vocal repertoire. Students focus their time how to sing in different languages, genre’s and musical styles, and how to sing expressively. Students get the chance to work in groups and individual vocal coachings both in a safe and supportive environment. All students will perform as soloists in class and in vocal recitals open to the public.
MUIVI 335 Mentorship & Repertoire (2 Units)
This course is for the fourth semester voice student and is focused on mentoring beginning voice students and individual study of repertoire and literature. Students broaden their depth and knowledge of vocal literature, facilitate educational-enhancing opportunities for our beginning voice students, develop a professional vocal resume, and perform in several public recitals throughout the semester. Students who complete this course are recognized in a final artists recital & reception.
MUP 355 & 356 College Choir – #COLLEGECHOIR (2 Units)
The SCC College Choir is our largest choral ensemble. It is designed for music students and other members of the SCC community interested in learning to sing in a choral ensemble and develop the skills necessary to sing in a mixed chorus and perform outstanding choral music. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate the ability to read, sing, and interpret choral music from different genres and historical periods.
MUP 406 & 407 Vocal Ensemble – VOCALe (2 Units)
SCC’s premiere choral ensemble, the Vocal Ensemble, is an auditioned chamber-sized choral ensemble. The chorus members focus on learning the inner workings of ensemble singing through the study, rehearsing, and performance of small ensemble choral literature. The Vocal Ensemble represents Sacramento City College through on- and off-campus performances and workshops.
MUIVI 410 Applied Music (1 Units)
This course meets one hour per week on campus for students to work through technique, performance practice ideas, musicianship and to discuss topics related to performance. Through this class student will be able to implement an effective practice routine, analyze his/her own musical performance skills as well as those of other musicians, compare and contrast musical techniques from different styles and eras, demonstrate the ability to work effectively with other musicians, develop an awareness of balance and blend when performing with an accompanist, employ the use of technical exercises to aid in the improvement of musical skills & memorize performance literature when appropriate.
MUFHL 321 Basic Musicianship (3 Units)
This course concentrates on reading and understanding (visually, aurally, and kinesthetically) music notation, texture, and form. Musical literacy, interpretation, and expression will be reinforced through ear training, sight-singing, melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation.
Music Concerts & Recitals
Email: PaulsoD@scc.losrios.edu
Phone: (916) 558-2239
Monday to Thursday
10:30 am to noon
Performing Arts Center PAC 117
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822
Vocal Courses
Register today for:
MUIVI 315 Beginning Voice
MUIVI 325 Intermediate Voice
MUIVI 330 Advanced Voice
MUIVI 335 Mentorship and Vocal Repertoire
Evening Choir
MUP 355 College Choir
MUP 356 Advanced College Choir