Materials posted on campus should be designed to inform the Sacramento City College, Davis Center, West Sacramento Center, and McClellan communities, on campus and off, about classes and SCC special events of interest.
The following guidelines are established with the purposes of:
- Providing simple to understand procedures for producing and posting flyers, announcements, and posters.
- Maintaining the aesthetics of the buildings.
- Ensuring that all college-related groups have equal access.
- Materials may only be posted on spaces designated for posting. Some posting areas may be restricted by topic. In spaces where postings are restricted by topic (i.e. job posting boards), only materials related to that topic may be posted in that space.
- Materials must be sponsored by an enrolled student, faculty, staff member, and/or officially recognized student or College/District group.
- Materials should provide information for students and staff about: student activities and events on campus; college-sponsored activities and events; partner events, course promotion; student election information; scholarship opportunities; job listings (on designated bulletin boards only); and personal goods and services, e.g. books for sale, rooms for rent, vehicles for sale (on designated bulletin boards only). All postings must be sponsored by a current student, current Faculty, or current Staff member, or a registered college organization or Department.
- Fliers, posters, banners, and other materials on behalf of any college-affiliated organization or department should follow the logo, style, and branding guidelines outlined in the current Sacramento City College Style Guide manual.
- All materials to be posted must specifically state:
- The type of activity/event.
- The date, time, campus, and location of activity/event.
- The sponsoring individual, club, organization, or department.
- Course promotions should include the term and the day(s) and time(s) the class(es) will meet
- No postings shall include content which is obscene, libelous, or slanderous or which promotes any illegal activity.
- No posting shall include (a) content that denigrates a legally protected classification (ethnic group identification, race, culture, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth-related condition, sexual orientation, sexual identity, religion or religious creed, age (over forty), national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, political affiliation or belief, military and veteran status, marital status); and (b) unreasonably interferes with the student learning environment or staff working environment, or which creates an intimidating, hostile or abusive work environment or which is sufficiently severe or pervasive as to adversely alter the conditions of the learning or work environment.
Approval & Posting Process
- All college interior posted materials should be stamped for approval prior to posting by the following offices (please allow five workdays for approval of materials). Approval shall be given to any posting that falls within the designated types of information that may be posted and is not otherwise prohibited. Approval shall not be withheld based on the content of the posting:
- Student Associated Council or club-related materials: Must be approved by the Student Leadership staff
- Other materials: Must be approved by the Public Information Office, (located in Rodda Hall North RHN277).
- The sponsoring individual, club, organization, or department is responsible for posting their own materials, once approved.
- Publicity materials shall be posted no earlier than 10 instructional days preceding the activity/event.
- The sponsoring group or individual is responsible for removing all fliers, postings, staples and adhesive materials within two instructional days of the end date indicated on the item. All non-dated info may be posted no more than 30 days.
- Extensions beyond 30 days can be issued by the Public Information Office for courses, athletic, and program recruitment materials that continue to provide value.
Posting Locations
- All materials may be posted on designated bulletin boards or designated brick wall locations only. Materials may not be affixed to: any painted or slate walls, poles, fixtures, building entry and exit doors, or windows. Materials shall not be placed over or obstruct the view of previously posted materials or directional, emergency, or warning signs.
- Interior Bulletin Boards: Only college-related fliers, posters, and other promotional materials may be posted. Please Note: Some bulletin boards are specifically set aside for specific content from the Student Associated Council (student government), departments or divisions and will be designated accordingly.
- Faculty/Staff/Department/Division Bulletin Boards and Doors: Individual faculty and staff, as well as division and department offices have supervision of their respective boards located near their office locations and their office doors. Materials are displayed only by permission of respective faculty, staff or administrator. It is strongly encouraged that these offices routinely review their boards and doors for appropriate content.
- Materials must be posted using push pins or painter’s tape. Staples, glue and other types of tape may not be used.
Please Note: Any item that has not followed the guidelines above is subject to removal.